Van der Sluis

Rebranding to attract new engineering colleagues

Van der Sluis, a network of engineering companies, wanted to better position itself as an attractive employer for future colleagues. To achieve this goal, our team was asked to lead a rebranding and staff campaign.

Van der Sluis
Installation technology, construction and agri
Market research, brand strategy, brand concept, visual identity, brand book, employer branding, resource development.
Landscape brochure Mockup logo 2 Slim bezig kopie
Roll up Mockup 1 kopie
Website mockup

Following extensive research inside and outside the company, from sessions with colleagues from all corners and layers of the organisation to interviews with customers, we had more than enough insights to get started. This formed the basis for a fresh new positioning and a powerful brand concept. The visual translation produced a brand identity with radiant visibility, without losing its recognisable character for existing customers and associates.

Mockup vrachtwagendoek kopiëren
Instagram blauw

The texts in the campaign to attract new colleagues came from interviews with employees from Van der Sluis' various operating companies in order to match the challenges in the sector.